Sunday, January 31, 2010

recall those cars?

Nothing will surpass summer windows down,NPR blaring an MLK story at Wade avenue's then final stoplight.1989. Chapel Hill is only 20 minutes and three good lane changes from west Raleigh. Now I hear stereo WUNC coming from Chapel Hill 'cause its too Wine & cheese for the State capital city,even though just past this obnoxious loud radio ass, is the Wine Merchant( 3 1/2 of 5 stars)& a new whole foods.You'll catch on Raleighwood.
DWB has gotten worser thanks to Obama.

The clown , turns out to be genius slackMF TR.Both on the line at the light.Honda Accord v Ford Escort. Tessa asked me to take care of her car while in S.America-there was one-
Eye contact and laughter are the unspoken opening official ceremony of the race.Its on much like Donkey Kong. A flash of 1 second of ,WTF,light hits green. Now its gonna take 25 power moves as ATC fades in world importance.Robert Segal or his alter ego Noel Adams seems mute.Hitting 90mph and darting like we were in a Mad Max 4 'fuck thunderdome kill the negro&nerd'race.I think it was the fastest I have made it since they built that torrible section of I-40 in 1987.It was something-like the sit down arcade video games later made. Only Reardon still drives to Crooks Corner like that to beat closing.
I don't drive my Buick wagon in that fashion.

Drive ahead of closing time to crooks, click on door, open menu, select Fried Cheese pork, take shopping cart to, Gayle- Pay pal®.wave through window to Bill.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Heaven's Bells

Not realistic...tck.tck.tck..Tttckh! faceslap
This is how supermodels look at almost all guys, especially when working at a fast food place.
The disdain from the girl told to go get the other girl is typical for a fast food employee,as she stands there unbusying her hands.
Meanwhile the woman listening looks like she wants to stab this guy,with 100% audience approval.Uta , Ollie, and Mace, have to growed up in this [fast food/pretend drug ad] nation.
At 6:30 , I sat down & before jim leher or Diane could get a shot- this came on the screen. Lynn wasn't happy.

some guy finally makes a shot

(AP)A player with seemingly no name on his jersey was allowed on the court
and eventually lucked into a basket from the 'Trifecter' as his MANBLA announcer/"friend", Richard 'Dickie' Vital.
After the win over the Celtics, when asked who took that ill advised 3 but got completely lucky, the coach said "Its not important, no one cares.. to tell ya the truth, I don't really recognize him!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

totally not believable

I saw this old email

Mac, George,
I got to see Marvin's golf show from '98 last night and I'd like to commend both of you on your form. Mac with a distinctive "old skool" style with the pronounced forward press and George displaying statuesque balance while swinging through and keeping his head and spine centered. It is no wonder you destroyed Aiken and Marvin at the Links of Lake Winds that cold day. Talk to ya'll soon. If you ever need someone to complete a foursome, I'm at 919-918-7731 and live down the road from George (if still in Deer Mtn).

Best regards,


Sunday, January 24, 2010

OK, welcome to the blog

Everyone is invited so we can all post now.