Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dopemine, not just for white punks -

Addictions are tough. All of 'em. If you're in the math club or the chess club, not hobbying in moderation - someone is going to end up fist pumping under the sheets, past curfew, working that abacus until the little beads fall off.And a calculator needs a flashlight. For some math. Just for a smile from an academic superior? And a high mark. Then the chess cerebral youth is planning so far ahead in his club, he's ready for his drivers license to drive around yelling anti semitic slurs and muttering political gibberish in hiding.
Or in some peoples situation, Haagen Dazs. The only ice cream that matters, probably endorsed originally by The Clash.
A guy & his wife sat around until he came up with a fake, yet believable name.
Its a monkey marketing technique in the ad industry called Chimp-chatter®, where a product is branded with a non American English based name having enormous success based on our gullibility. And gobble we did. Being able to sniff out occidental ignorami is crucial in step one of Capitalistic boot in the ass of the many. $2.85 at the Wart - (depression,nausea mandatory)but low prices! at Hairless $4.65, (fire hazard entrance/exit)
Nestle is the maker under Dryers Ice cream, and they dream of a world of no breastfeeding, in a universe with no laws ,in a galaxy with no consarn watchdog groups and activists. Didn't they hear Dres & Longe of the Black Sheep explain the problems with a 'Similac child'. They have certainly been brow beating people internationally since 1991, like Missionaries with bottled,and canned breats milk, yet not from a breast.
Haagen dazs talking points served super soft- 1. 14 oz. (now) less cream , more cost $ 2. Save the bees , for us, but you guys also! 3. No breast feeding, we got all y'all on the milk=believe dat. and 4. all other brands not local are inferior 5. The Haagen Dazs website and flavor info is not correct regarding store locators

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