Friday, January 21, 2011

Peter the StatesWolf

"The Spectator took a chance", Van Geison yelled from behind a bunch of expensive, yet barely still hi-tech AV gear. "Its unbelievable", he's telling me. "He could say anything at anytime, who will have the nerve to try and edit him?"- I asked needlessly. "Uh.. now, Des , ready lift "- the cart and gear went up a ramp in the boxtruck headed to Glaxo. Des moved the ramp and nodded towards Van Geisons direction and went inside; no doubt wondering who would get paid this week, but mostly would it be Des getting paid. I closed the doors to the Van as if I had been integral, "wouldn't the Independent be better." I said, slapping my hands together knocking off presumed work dust, proving equal work all around by all of us.
Barreling off whittaker mill rd and into the storage entrance, cutting fast around the fence is the Triangle AV pickup truck. 90 degrees and one second later the burgundy lowrider Ford is making cool down car sounds in one of many vacant spots perpendicular to the basic metal warehouse. Its a crap building divided by cardboard walls and subleased through some Bozo
with signs of all the badly run busineses or bad business ideas. I can hear the private detectives right next to my office discussing all aspects of everything. Better here than downtown one imagines. Doors fly open circus-style and Peter and Mary spill out smiling ;Mary hippie dippy saunters around the truck doing her Widespread panic moves, suddenly straightening up for a Olga Korbett balancing beam on the parking block. This stringbeaned frame
cat hops out and starts exploding into some civic Hillsborough street something someone on the town council- one way streets or round abouts or this that and the other. Shook my hand, introducing himself, David stood there casually, but fondly beaming.Daniel Chavis , receptionist came by dapping and hugging the new arrivals, giving them info sheets of the next AV gig. Everyday he comes to work repairing gear and dissecting some part of Raleigh politics. With solutions. Mordecai gentrify, Dix has many potentials -let's have a Dix picnic & discuss, N. Raleigh is good for tax $'s... Some politicians may not be telling the truth. he lost me at Raleigh.
When I'm in Wake county, I'm focused on leaving. It's July and I gotta set up for Y2k. Don't come to my door in 18 months asking for shine -ola. Or a damn thing. I make a mental checklist on I-40 east and at the top w/ an asterisk -LEAVE RALEIGH at a reasonable time.( notes for excuses to use in a realistic setting doesn't hurt a guy either- being ready). I occasionally wonder in my commute to wake co. who will act more civilized when y2k gets here, Orange co or them. Yuppies will have community help, but are sometimes really pretentious and selfconcerned.
Old Raleigh will have dueling battles and red clayball fights, forgetting water & vienna sausages. Stock up on the red clayballs for Durhamites wake co. your real concern. They didn't pave hwy 70 for Sunday strolling.
Unfortunate Raleigh nights with no music or much disposable money talking to Peter was a lot like what would eventually become Google. Tons of info. facts. Quite Barefootian ,really.
The man who had forgone the family red power tie, shaking babies hands, kissing constituents and the required school board stint to show you care. A dude who Hunter S'd and Thompson'd his way to Sadlacks, w/ regularity after a unique yet workingman's day. Eichenberger was in touch and sharp, peripherally peering on level at his family at their wake county posts. He liked exposing politics, but pressure wise and system wise, he did not enjoy the entire game. Like most sane folks. Whenever we spoke I saw his motto: unconventional are always to be considered . He was an uncommon guy, usually being totally believable. The people have him as Stateswolf, their scribe. People read peterbuilt .and need it. No fear, No Loathing.

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